Introducing the Securities Industry Essentials (SIE) Exam Training Package by Knopman Marks
Filed in: Knopman News, Product Updates, SIE Exam

We Believe in the SIE
We know that the financial industry has the opportunity to impact the world for good, every day. It is full of the brightest minds and the hardest-working people. Now, the SIE Exam will pave the way for even more talented and diverse individuals to join that team. And when they do, we at Knopman Marks will do everything we can to help them achieve their goals with confidence.
An Ambitious SIE Course Vision
We decided to create a course that added more value than students were expecting, with instruction that was memorable, interactive, and maybe even fun.
-Dave Meshkov
Our product leaders, Dave Meshkov (course design) and Ian Franklin (product development) inspired a team of subject-matter experts and designers to build an SIE product second to none.
The Knopman Marks SIE Course includes:
- 500-page textbook (hardcopy and electronic)
- 17 hrs of video lectures (14 Lessons)
- 12 hrs of essential content
- 3 hrs of advanced content
- 2 hrs of Q&A Reviews
- 2,300+ online practice questions
- 4 Diagnostic Exams
- 1,100+ flashcards
- Mobile app for offline training
- Personal instructor support
- A proven Action Plan
Here’s why our SIE Exam Training Package is the best in its class…
1. A Fully-Interactive Textbook
Of the 500 pages, 25% of the SIE textbook is made up of questions.
Reading our book is not a passive activity. We start with key terms and learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter. Through interactions with the text, our students get to apply the content and build retention. We weaved more questions into the SIE textbook than we have into any other book we’ve written. Students will find Pop Quizzes, Progress Exams, and Unit Exams throughout.
I wanted to create a textbook that covered everything, that left no gaps, but at the same time was engaging for readers and easy to follow.
-Ian Franklin
Because the SIE Exam represents a major change from previous FINRA tests and can be taken by people outside the industry, we added a Financial Industry Introduction and defined fundamental terms for readers to absorb before getting into the guts of the material.
2. An Engaging SIE Course for Online Students
Our on-demand SIE video content is optimized for online students. You won’t find 60-minute videos in this library. It’s broken into shorter, digestible modules. While auditory learners will benefit from hearing detailed instructor presentations, visual learners will enjoy the widespread use of graphs, icons, and charts that illustrate otherwise heavy topics. Even the most complex rules and equations can be mastered with these creative explanations.
Our flexible and intuitive platform encourages students to interact with the content.
Each of the 14 lessons in our self-paced SIE course corresponds with a chapter in the SIE textbook and expands on the text material to deepen comprehension.
3. A Personalized, Adaptive Learning Experience
We help students reach their full potential by meeting them where they are. We offer a range of instruction based on each student’s level of understanding.
Each lesson in our SIE course is organized into three components.
- Essential content: Material which everyone needs to learn is presented first.
- Advanced content: Material for those learners who wish to drill deeper into a topic or digest more background through real-world examples.
- Extensive Question & Answer Reviews: Instructor led reviews help students sharpen their skills at answering questions. It’s not enough to just know the information, students must be able to apply their knowledge on the exam.
4. Thousands of Practice Questions, Flashcards, and Drills
In addition to the questions found in our SIE textbook, the Knopman Marks online question bank boasts over 2,300 practice questions designed by subject-matter experts specifically for SIE Exam practice. Each one is paired with a detailed explanation and a precise textbook reference for efficient review. We also provide over 1,100 flashcards, to give students multiple and varied retention-building opportunities.
Building practice questions for a brand-new exam is challenging. We relied heavily on our experience with past exams to fine tune both the tone and degree of difficulty of the questions. Ultimately, our goal was to have enough questions so that candidates could drill on concepts without memorizing questions and at the same time ensure that every topic was thoroughly covered.
-Ian Franklin
The SIE package includes four, pre-built diagnostic exams to help track progress and forecast performance on the actual test. The first of these, the Assessment Exam, is designed to give students an early-stage view of their readiness and pinpoint areas needing improvement. Throughout the course, we offer customized guidance on how and when to use these exams, the target scores that should be achieved, and where to focus remaining study time for best results.
5. On-the-Go Training with the Knopman Marks’ Mobile App
Studying for an exam can present many challenges, but using our platform is not one of them. Our newly-designed user experience is simple, and our Training Center is accessible across all types of devices. Plus, the Knopman Marks mobile app offers offline learning for students on the go.
6. Your SIE Teacher, Your Cheerleader, and Your Coach
A Knopman Marks instructor doesn’t just deliver knowledge. Rather, each instructor is a coach, teaching people how to learn, and inspiring top performance. Our instructors know when to push and understand the psychology behind the process of learning.
In addition to hours of lectures on testable topics, our SIE course includes videos on study strategy, instructor tips, and motivation. We take pride in our pass rates and on every individual’s achievement. We know that with each exam successfully completed, a real person has accomplished something life-changing. We are proud to be one small but important step in the journey of success for thousands of people every year.
There is a tremendous amount of personal and professional satisfaction to receive a call from a student who has worked hard, followed my guidance, mastered the content, and then gets to tells me, “I Passed.” That is what this job is all about.
-Dave Meshkov
7. Constant Improvements for Results-Driven Products
Our goal, in everything we do, is to be best in class. We build products that help people succeed. In order to do that, we have to honor the process of creation and craft products meticulously with patience and excellence. We also believe in agile updates and frequent iterations. Which means our products are never really done. We pour every new resource and insight we can into the packages we offer, and you can expect the same with the SIE Exam Training Package.
Written by Liza Streiff
A visionary in the financial education and training industry who believes business growth must be tech-forward but human first. Liza is energized by the opportunity to evolve every aspect of a company not only to keep up, but to lead the way in employee engagement, digital transformation, intentional UX and design, and thoughtful client experiences. Her leadership style is rooted in the relationship between success and joy, and she is passionate about inspiring everyone, especially young women, to find success and fulfillment in the financial industry.
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